Rudo Art

art of transformation

Process over product

If you’ve taken art you will have heard this phrase. It’s important, and I urge you to consider what is most important: the final destination or the adventures you had while getting there. This is so true in art making, and for me the art of SEEING what is unfolding is a theraputive/informative/transformative/spiritual/empowering ritual.

This picture captures a moment in time, the final product didn’t turn out at all like this. Partly because I’m using such amazing pigments often the water reacts with them while they’re wet and creates galaxies of alchemical wonder for the viewer…all to settle and transform to something else when dry.

I am intensional about being present and treating these moments with reverence. I’ll often take photos to commemorate a moment. Recently I’ve taken to sending in process shots to my best friend DK, or sharing a painting session with the treasure that is Connie. Sharing this world is also a process…

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