Rudo Art

art of transformation

Why it took me 20 years to self portrait

I know my title would suggest I’m going to explain myself but surprise! I offer you no explanation. I am a minx, aren’t I?

In all seriousness, when I started to investigate my relationship with my body I went down an incredible therapeutic pathway. 2020 was an intensely self-reflective year and a year of self improvement. Once a few key milestones occurred I was able to bring back this WONDERFUL artistic practice. Self portraits are a very important exercise for the artist, and a wonder chance for the viewer to witness unconscious thoughts the creator has about themselves. I find self portraits raw, intriguing, and ESSENTIAL for any portfolio!

This drawing was done in a 5×7 notebook, first in pencil and then inked. I used PhotoGrid app to add some colour, because I couldn’t post an image with no tonality…it’s just not me.

Why naked? Why did I draw this particular pose? No clothes is my favourite outfit. To be comfortable naked is to be comfortable with your wildness and purity. No masks, no status information. There is only you and your amazing body.

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