Rudo Art

art of transformation

My Dragon

We all have this innate ability to connect to animal totems. Some of the wisdom for me has been taught by Native American vision quests, Japanese guided meditations, or the various oracle cards I’ve picked up along the way (which is an amalgam of many voices). Most importantly, I grew up using my boundless imagination and have kept my heart open.

Imagine my wonder when a new teacher came into my life. Her name is Yvette Sitten. She mixes two of my favourite things…beautiful smells and connecting to guides, spirits, ancestors, oh the modality is hard to condense if a few lines.

Anyway Yvette has many products that connect the user to dragon energy. In a guided meditation she asked us to tune into a place, a sacred place of our very own, and to show ourselves our very own dragon guide. My dragon came right away into my vision. The dragon has a mossy ancient peace to it. And it is sleeping. She asked us to draw our dragons and meet back up later to share. Here mine is.

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