Rudo Art

art of transformation

Goddess of the Corn

One of the greatest gifts Mexico has given the world is corn. The other is chocolate. Anyways, of the first…corn…the most amazing amount of feminine deities and origin stories vortex around this amazing plant. The indigenous people who those stories belong to have full protective rights to those names, identities, and stories so I won’t do that here…do you own research loves. The point of my post to show much gratitude to how corn has touched me deeply, and you know I had the BEST time drawing her…this Goddess of the Corn. I drew her in a cafe of riots of colours, peoples, and energies. The Third Street Stuff & Coffee, owned and operated by Pat Gerhard of Lexington Kentuckyn is an oasis for anyone wandering through downtown Third Stree. What. A Babe….what a place. I feel like the fact I did it around Pat and her cafe (safe havens to all creatives and a haven to the people), adds a generous blessing and specialness to this gentle pen&ink drawing. I drew a version of her on Joydah’s popcorn stall once, as well as a wolf painting. It was a very lively and magical place too.

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